Update 3:26pm: To the blogger who has yet to take down the pictures, I think you should have gotten the authencity of the request through phone by now. The possibility of legal action was relayed by her friend. And no, I have not changed my direction. If you had read the first entry properly you would know that.
Update: Thanks to the reader who informed me about some screenshot issue. It has been fixed.
I will no longer be giving out any more information about tammy to any mainstream journalists after my encounter with LianHe ZaoBao Senior Reporter Tang Hai Guo. Tammy would also not entertain any mainstream journalists.
I am lost for words. I am utterly disappointed with the mainstream media. I will just let the screenshots do the talking.
This is my follow-up email to Straits Time Journalist Sharifa Maria Almenoar yesterday.

This is part of my conversation with tammy's friend.

And this is my reply.

This is an overview of my email exchange with LianHe ZaoBao senior reporter Tang Hai Guo.

The LianHe ZaoBao reporter asked me for the contact of tammy. I shared a quote with the reporter to highlight the fact that it was NYP's Examinations Period and it will be an inappropriate time to contact the victim. I SPECIFICALLY told the reporter not to use the quote. I told him it was privileged information. What did the reporter do??? He betrayed my trust. He had little clues and used whatever little information that he could get his hands on, even when I told him the information was confidential. He abandoned me after he thought his colleague found the victim's contact. Well guess what? They got the wrong contact because as far as I know, tammy has not been contacted by any mainstream journalists. Trust a senior reporter to make such a silly mistake!
I told the reporter to include a link back to my site so that I can clarify any misquotes or any errors in his reporting. He told me that his boss said the paper can't mention any blog link in the story (what a convenient excuse!) And guess what they did? They included a screenshot of the blog site that Straits Times originally used in yesterday's article (Read this for context) with a picture of tammy and the url of the blog.
I have read the report and I must say its filled with inaccuracies. One example (I will translate here since the paper is in chinese) is that "the incident happened somewhere in the school and that is why the school authorities may be thinking of expelling her".
I have asked the featured blog to take down tammy's pictures on her behalf. However, the blog has chosen to upload new pictures instead. This is my warning to the blog owner: You are playing with fire! Even the site that hosted the video (which the featured blog linked to) has taken it down after the request from tammy. I am asking you one more time to take down all the victim's pictures. If you don't, and tammy decides to take any action against you, don't say you have not been warned.
Technorati Tag: tammy nyp, singapore
i read the papers yest and felt sad for tammy.
ST shouldnt report on this so fast as we aint too sure about the incident that took place.
i strongly believe that ST should take action when the culprit(the girl who distributed the videos)
is arrested. Rather when the incident has come to a standstill.
After reading the blogs, i feel very sad for Tammy. Additionally, i am utterly disppointed with Straits times... Have they lost their sense if intergrity and ethics.. Won't they know that if they blow up this matter, it will affect the victims.. Moreover, it is the victim's fault, its the person who first upload the video to the public...
Why the reporters can do such things on the victim? It's atrocious...
this s**ks.. ST s**ks. How can they be so ignorant about how the victim feel and just report this based on rumours and the untrue?
thank you XLX for clearing the air. There are alot of misguided readers out there. disappointed with straits times and wan bao too. With the type of propaganda power they have, They rather abuse it and destroy someone for the sake of dollars. Humanity is sick
I hope people out there will stop the distribution of anymore videos. And help to stop this whole thing spreading even further.
best wishes to her...
I think this is the uncouth methods of the reporters. They are always betraying trust and reporting wrong facts just to sensationalise the whole incident. But i am very very surprised that the straits times stooped to this kind of level. I would not be surprised if it comes from the newpaper tabloids. But from Straits Times.. it is really unthinkable. What is the media coming to nowadays?
It is part of the reporter's job to report on this situation,with as much information as they can obtain at time of publishing and whatever direct contact they can get to the source of the matter.In this case,TAMMY is 17 and not a minor( below 16yrs of age)anymore and should be able to speak up for herself if she cares to clarify anything with the media.If the friend find it apt to speak to you about this situation,she should be able to speak to the news media,its a more effective way to clarify the matter.You are choosing to become a self appointed spokesperson for the victim and friend,and forming some sort of protectionistic frame around TAMMY,but still continue to post all of these entries on your page.What the hell? TAMMY is not a minor anymore,the pictures are not illegal because they are stills and the owner is not distributing the file from his site.It is not your decision to decide what to censor from other people's blogs.
Choosing to withdraw contact information to the reporters,trying to get people to remove image links and video links so the reporters wont get it is worse because you know they will find a way to get it eventually.you are really just bungling matters up for everybody.
so confusing. Just what happened between you and ST? Seems to me like she asked some questions, you answered and she didn't use the answers because she saw it after the story was already published. SO they went with what they knew from the forums.
Where's the problem?
instead of helping n clearing the air it seems every blogs are trying to make use of the news they have to squeeze some fame out some way or another...
be it the good guy or the bad...
why not let the matter rest and forget about it? if that is your intention is to help...
some new news will come and ppl will soon forget about it...
i use words to describe the feelings of a media graduate that has been studying for so many years. all those media ethics and codes has all gone to waste. now we see ST, Wan Bao and other SPH publications propagating rumours and showing yellow journalism at its best. i kowtow to the greatness of our local publications. journalists and reporters i hope you guys can have some initiative and think before you act. the consequences are many.
All I can say is well done Xialanxue. I appreciate the effort you are putting in for the victim and I hope the victim is grateful too. =)
I am quite disappointed in by the newspaper too but either ways, from what I know, people are still spreading the video regardless of the victim's feelings. I feel this 'situation' really shows the ugly side of local teenagers.. I hope they will wake up and realise that this situation is not funny. entertaining at all and they will stop spreading the video.
And keep up the good work. =) You have my support and respect.
After reading these few days articles and also ur blog. i find that isn't a better way that we just stop talking about the victim. the media can spout whatever nonsense and that's their job. This week is just gonna be a turbulent week for the victim and i know u trying to help. Another way of helping may could be of stop updating of the story,putting a end to it. I believe that u wanted to help alot. i really sad and sympathise with the victim. the vicim feels how we dunno but this is the least we can do to help stop this lady.
xialanxue,u really been doing a good job. you will have my support.
I must say u did put urself in the victims shoes.. hope this thing will come to an end soon and reporter are always like tat.. they like to say news tat are not true.. if not.. wat are reporters for? jia you k? i support u..=))
yes.. best way to help the victim is to stop updating on this issue anymore otherwise you'd only be generating more interest and awareness of this incident.
Fook the local journalists. They only think abt having their jobs done and meeting the dead line. They do not even THINK before they write. They just want to get the story published at the cost of the victim/witnesses' privacy.
Recently I've had a brush with the local journalists. Was meant to testify in COURT for a case of Homicide not ammounting to MURDER... I requested for pics NOT to be published but yet they were spalshed all over the local newspapers, BEFORE we get to appear in court.
Can u imagine what will happen if the accused has connections and did things to bring down the witnesses just to prevent them from appearin in court? Yes, it may sound a little wild. But hey, you're looking at at least min of 10yrs jail here.
Called up SPH and they refused to take responsibility if anything should happen to the witnesses. Their reply: It's only a "IF".
Screw them...
i think u're just making a big fuss and trying to act all important and politically correct.
is angie representing ST and what so ever?
with the kind of journalism and news which reaches the masses.. no wonder Singapore Journalism is still consider weak globally.
The ignorance of the news bearer. Ignorance of the masses?
well, it looks like the journalists go to the same hell as lawyers then.
but seriously, these blokes will say anything to get an interview with "tammy".
including stuff like, "oh, if she can do this, she can speak with us...blah blah"
geezuz, do they teach them to be slimy at journalist school or is it a pre-requisite for entry?
i've had personal experience with a photo of the old girl and myself smooching, being splashed (in color!)in a half page pic on Life! with a less then amusing caption...grrr.
all without a word to us that the photo was taken and will be used.
not funny.
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