If you were wondering why "Singapore" is once again in the top 5 searches at technorati, my guess is that it is due to news of this video clip.
For those without access to Local (Singapore) media reports, a hand phone video clip depicting an extreme case of bullying of a Singapore school girl by what appears to be a gang of teenage girls is currently circulating throughout Singapore via MMS and through links posted in major forums. My sources have revealed that the clip has already made its way out of Singapore to Malaysia, Australia and the US, following in the footsteps of the "Tammy NYP" clips and the clip of the unreasonable HongKong Bus Uncle.
I have personally watched the clip and I cannot believe my eyes. The girls involved in the attack were kicking the school girl's head like a football for more than 4 minutes and also took sick pleasure in stripping her. All this took place at a HDB Staircase landing and I am shocked that no one actually stepped in to help the girl or called the police.
I was further aggravated by something that I have read in TNP - "Police spokesman Cheryl Foo said: 'The police will look into the matter when a report is lodged.'"
You mean to tell me that after a clip of this nature has spreaded like wildfire (Proof that such an incident happened) that the Police would still need to wait for someone to lodge a report before looking into the matter???
I can't believe this - I seriously can't bring myself to believe this.
My dear readers, if you are a friend of the school girl or if you know someone who knows her, can you please advise her to make a police report immediately?
Thank you.
What a first class Police Force we have!
Let's assume if someone were to die from an assault, case automatically closes since the dead can't lodge a report?
Can the Police Force TRY to do something to justify their existence? At least my dog knows how to bark when strangers come near my house.
u mean wayang force?
this is too much....... i saw the clip the girls are sick
when is it in TNP?
can't find it :|
I'm sure they are looking into it despite what the spokesperson said. Take it easy guys.
link to the vidz plz
hey xlx
got ppl copy yr story modify abit and take as their own leh
i have a feeling tomorrow.sg will rip u off again
Why Can't someone put a link to the videos? Pretty please?
After the police make such a statement, i don't feel safe in Singapore anymore. Utterly disappointed with their efficiency.
I thought of killing those gals...
They are laughing all the way when they are kicking the poor girl.
just because the girl like a guy, doesn't mean that they can bully her that way.
yeah, it has definitely reached aussie
cos i got the video..poor ger...
It has definitely reached aussie.. i got the video..sad thing tat such act happens on our singapore gers..
where is the video?
Those bullies are worse than dogs. If i got my hands on the video, i would magnify their face so large, all people in Singapore would recognize them, and would beat shit out of them every time they see them on the street.
What to do? Police won't do a shit. So guess this means the public have to resort to shitty means. Those shitbags ought to be taught a lesson or two.
wheres the link to the video?
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How many people does it take to make one crummy police report?
That is messed up.
Even if a report is lodged, do you think the girl will not live in fear?
Are you sure she won't be bullied again when that is done, and who would protect her when that happens?
Damn. Those girls are a pretty mean bunch on heartless creatures.
Was shocked at that video.......Anyway i told my friend my opinion of the girl and had the same thought as wenjuan of finding them so that we could beat the daylight out of them.My friend told me an interesting thought he had
"What if all your friends are being bullied by this person,being beaten up and humuliated.Would you do the same thing back to him/her?"
Maybe this girl had done the same to them so they are doing the same thing back to her.Anyway i don't know what the real reason was.Anyway why didnt she run when she had the chance instead of sitting there.It seems that either she didn't think of running or the route was being block.
Just my 2 cents worth
i know this is totally irrelevant but has anyone seen e way xx blog in stomp.com.sg??? Uuuughhh!! can we sign like a petition so that we can boot her off .. i cant believe her no substance character and only-know-how-to-blog-nonsense skills can get her to be a star blogger. god help us pls!!
yeah, tahts not even called blogging. xx doesnt take her job seriously. dawn's much better
I think some of you might have got it wrong, a police report is not necessary lodged by the victim, anyone can do so ( if your dog / cat can talk, it might be allowed to do it too ).
What puzzled me is the need of a police report for them to conduct an investigation on a criminal case.
I read in the Straits Times Forum recently that someone was thanking the police for going to his house in the night, just to inform him that he forgot to switch off the headlamp of the motorcycle he parked at the HDB carpark. Imagine the police on patrol would take the time and effort to check the motorcycle owner's address based on the registration number ( seriously, i think their time should be spent on more important things, like making more rounds ? ), yet their colleague will not take the initiative to nail those wrong-doers !
Ain't it the job of the police to deal with law-breakers ? Or must we send an invitation to them by way of a police report ?
Ok, I'm done with my nonsense. Thank you.
Wenjun: mate i agree with you.
What utter bullshit. The news already out, and you have to report first then the police will look into this matter?
OHMYGOD! the poor thing being beaten up by those fucking bitches!
Such heartless bitches..
anyway maybe the girl didn't run because she felt insecure. sometimes really insecure ppl harm themselves by letting others abuse them, thinking it's ok and all. after all, she seems very young the poor thing.
what has the young generation gotten to? what happens to humanity?
if the authorities can't do anything, at least the public do something about it. SOMETHING!
Sibeh. Ignorance is not always bliss lah. at least someone do a report for her!!!
Zhang Xuan : you're right in your comments.
her family should help her. and i think the public should volunteer for help. instead of letting the news circulate like underrated porn -_- though it's not porn. well u get my drift innit?
bloody police ... they only go after big liar and deceiving charecter as defined by the government. other cases must go through the proper process of lodging report.
They Girls are laughing as they whack the poor girl... they are sick.. feeling like letting them taste their own medicine...
I don't means this to be an arguement here.But i have been bullied b4 and i stood up to them well all of us got punish in the end but they didnt come looking for me again.Anyway i just remember that there was this girl in all black,i think she's the most hiong among all of them.Look at here kick the others are not wearing any shoe or slippers while that girl is wearing a shoe........
you're cool. i like u.
The system here is simple, if your parents are someone well known or well off, you think this case would be resolves so easily?? Lawyers, DPP & the whle circus would be behind the poor "Cindy".. As commoners, that's life..
Sigh... The realistic of life..
i tink e gal hu get beaten up by e gang of gals should hav made a police report though she's in e wrong too... her mom was rite... dey hav no rite to beat her... i tink go make a police report... im once get slap by a gang of gal too... in e end, my parents noe too... dey make a police report... my case n her case is different but jus go make e police report... trust me...
zz i cant see the video damm heartless bitch damm it
can send me a copy of the video?maybe i could recognise the girls..i live somewhere near there..thanks..send it to awl_ang@yahoo.com.sg
1. dun let me see her mum, i will give her 2 tight slap for letting the matter go and not standing up for her child..
2. dun let me see the girl who got beaten, i will give her two tight slaps to make her wake up her !@#$% idea on not making a police report.
3. dun let me see the bullies, i will rape them and post over the internet to show how fun is it, and claim that i lost my handphone.
singapore police do nothing.
I may be a little slow, but I just got a copy of the video in my hands and just watched it. Am I having hearing problems or did I hear a male voice in the background? In the video, I saw 4 girls pulling, dragging, kicking, stepping, beating and stripping the victim. And from what I can hear in the background, there are 1 boy and 2 other girls. This is insane! 6 girls and 1 boy with 1 victim but the police is not doing anything?! I do not blame the girl for not reporting though. I think she is ashamed that something like that happened to her. If you noticed she did not make a sound when beaten. I can only hope she does not fall into a depression and commit suicide.
I have given up hope on Singapore's Police Force long time back. Once, I remembered about 1.5 years back, my boyfriend and the repossession officer had problems towing a vehicle back to the bank at Geylang at night. Although the driver is not the owner (he rented it), he refused to let it go. Apparently he was looking out for a den there. So no choice we had to call in the police. Guess what?! The operator said all the vehicles were out and are not able to assist us! Half an hour later, the driver still did not allow the vehicle to be towed, we called the police again and we were told the vehicles are not back yet, sorry. We were so angry! What are the police doing?! Ain't they supposed to protect us? Where are they hiding? You mean there has to be a murder case in Geylang before the police will come, in TWO patrol vehicles? Half an hour later the driver finally agreed to let us tow the vehicle away. Guess what? No surprise, the police are still not in sight! I know this has nothing to do with the girl bully incident, but I am truly disgusted by and disappointed with the Singapore Police Force.
ermms...actualii diz ger(valerie) iish n0rt realii bcuz orf she lyk a guy dhen kena h00t de....g0rt m0r secretx....>.< bart jux tt its n0rt revealed.....herd 4rm ppl she anihw ka jia0 weii tt's whye kena untiil s0 jialat.....
n ii 0s0 herd tt she actualii kiinda "ALLOW" dhem 2 h00t her....??
ii n0e y her mutha doesnt wan 2 file a rep0rt cuz....da pers0n hu t00k da viide0 iish actualii her KOUSINZ....n tt iin law da person hu viide0 diiz kind orf stuff mux face 5yr jaiil....n hence ii tiink tt y da mutha neba g0 l0dge.....
What horrifying scenes. I wounder what the guy who captured the video clips was doing.
They are going to hell afterlife.
In there, they will be kicked and stripped for ETERNITY.
WTF?? that's really annoying for students when it comes to bullying. Not a valid reason to bully that girl. Organo Gold and Video Spokesperson worker here.
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