It appears that the "HDB Schoolgirl" and her parents are unlikely to take any actions.
Images scanned by peasantjudge and tip-off courtesy of wahehblog
Technorati: HDB, HDB Staircase, HDB Schoolgirl, HDB Staircase Schoolgirl, Singapore, Housing Development Board
the HDB residents there really cmi
the whole thing doesn't seem to make much sense...
Seriously, I don't think there's any excuse for such abusive behaviour.
I looked into the first picture. The "reasons" given would not be good enough to justify such horrendous beating and abuse; stripping someone equal to sexual molestation.
And the third picture, she shouldn't have gotten involved into a cycle of self-abuse, proclaiming that she deserved it.
teenagers should settle matters like adults, not resort to animalistic means.
if going by the same notion as what the police had said, that they will only investigate when someone lodge a complaint. Does that means that next time if there is a dead body and no one has lodge a police report, the latter wont investigate it? wierd civil servants we have here.
its obvious their actions are wrong.
it is obvious that the girls are in the wrong.who are they to be the 'law' and take matters into their hands. they should be punished even if the parents dont press charges.if the sg police dont do anything abt it..i will be ashame to be a singaporean.
could the victim under pressure to keep mum and let things rest?? that s why she is anxious to let the episode rest?
So you mean the whole thing is a promotional gimmick ar? You mean its already a "discount" to let the girls hit you rather than the boys?
In Singapore????????
Xlx, let me know their addresses if you had it and i'll fuck them up myself, a discount from me which would be much worst than if the the state police took actions.
Gangsters? Nabeh!! will someone pls post their address ,i will show them wat a gangster is like.
i like to see my fist bigger or their fucking bitches face bigger
this sucks... singapore police no initiative one... wtf they doing... go petrol void decks to catch kiddos playing soccer when no1 has complained... or to take a cycle in the park to enjoy the fresh air???
yeah right...
as if saying sorry makes everything right.
that girl has issues. wouldnt be suprised that the 4 girls tried to scare her to say that..
Since those girl can't make a report,why not someone make it since police said they will only investigate it if someone does it.This way they will get caught and the parents kept their end of the bargain.Is this how they settle things now? 3 on 1?????
Wenjun and that annyomous after wenjun comment.Its good to have such sense of righteous but.......if u go and beat those girls up and one of your friend happen to take a camera to record the whole process down as a punishment,won't the whole proccess be cycled again?Where the girl being hit is the victim and u and you friends the assilant people would condem you saying "Aiyo so many guys hit one girl ah~~"???Its such a vicious cycle let the police handle it would be a better solution.
If i am not wrong, when its 4 vs 1, its a criminal offence. The police would have to take action even if the victim decides not to pursue the matter....
lets just see how it goes...
I suggest a poll or a petition to get these barbaric youths into justice. If they are let go this time, think about it, will they do it again to someone else child? I believe they are now laughing and thinking "We are untouchable".
I dont think justice is serve when its obvious that those youths are in the wrong and walked away scott free.
i think she's either under pressure or threats, that's why she proclaimed she "deserves" it.
unless she suffers from severe psychological illness.
im not singaporean, none of my business, but i just personally care about ethically challenged issues.
i think the authorities or at least the public does something about it.
if the girls are just let go without any consequence, this kind of behaviour can be advocated towards the society.
And God knows what happen next to modern youth! *shudders*
looks like there's alot of covering up going on. i don't believe something like that can be settled so fast based solely on compassion.
'Logically' now, we all can beat up and molest those bitches for what they did to that girl. They deserve it after all, don't they?
With their kind of thinking, this cycle will never stop. Gangsterism under the guise of 'vigilantism'. And since when is seducing someone else's boyfriend is a crime in 21st-century Singapore? Sure it's 'wrong', but not as wrong as to deserve this.
And what's even twisted, it's actually okay (they were doing her a 'favour') because she was supposed to be beaten up by the boyfriend instead?!
What if this girl is your family member or friend? They're the ones who should be taught a lesson. Make the police report, make an example out of every on of them.
Hi xialanxue. It is great that you are reporting about this incident. I still hope that Cindy's friends will encourage the girl to lodge a report against the assailants.
Law is law. Nobody is above the law. No matter whether it is her fault to start off with, it is clearly shown that whatever the group of girls had done, an offence had been committed. And thus must be dealt with accordingly.
Correct me if I am wrong, the impression I got from the news is that, upon being exposed in the news, the assailants then called up to meet to the mother to explain to their reasons for the act? Did they hope that their ass could be saved in such a manner? HELLO COWARDS! The act of punching, kicking, stripping, humiliating someone in public is simply not justifiable at all! As also indicated in the report, the assailants were also hostile to the girl's mother? What atrocious behaviour. Coming from single parent family does not give them any special privilege to behave in such abusive manner. There are many other kids who are single-parented, and yet, behaves appropriately.
Today is this 'Cindy', tomorrow will be another innocent kid? Will they go overboard the next time round, and they kill someone in the process of 'simply to teach someone a lesson'? By then the charges will be much severe. It will be too late They must be dealt with now. Else they will always have the mindset that their abusive act is justifiable. They will think that it is heroic and acceptable to act in such a horrifying manner. Upon seeing the full clip, my blood boiled. Upon reading the article, and knowing that 'Cindy' is not pursuing the matter, my blood vessel bursted.
I hope that this incident will not cripple Cindy's growth (mentally and emotionally). Cindy you must be brave and stand strong for yourself.
First of all, you have to know how the legal system works. Not all cases are criminal cases, which the police can take action. What we have here is classified as civil disturbance. The police have their hands tied unless someone make a complaint and ask the police to take action. These are the rules of engagement. Of course if there is a dead body, and foul play is suspected, then it will be classified as criminal case.
These rules of engagement are common to most countries. Just imagine if every case is considered criminal. Then the work load on the poilce force will increase. As a result of the increase in the work load, more police officiers are needed. As a result of that, the government need to pay more police officers. And where does the government find money to pay the officers? From our tax of course. There is a distance between what is ideal and what is feasible in the real world. If you don't mind paying more tax, then you can lobby the government legislative arm to include more activities as criminal. So tell me. What is your decision?
I actually felt that those girls shld get punish for what they have done.If they had not said anything to the mom or atlest apologise to the mother for doing such i would say that dropping the case would be appropiate even if the daught "deserve" it.But they had threathen the mother to drop the case which can not be forgiven.After you have done something wrong you have the cheek to even show your face and ask the victim mother to drop the case.Maybe if they had plea or even ask to be given a second chance.There was no sign of guilt present.Which shows how youngster nowadays think.
whether the police s hands are tied or because there are certain rules of engagement is beside the point. any reasonable person watching this clip will conclude that a wrong has been done, that is sufficient for the police to take action. otherwise they are just a bunch of idiots following the rule books.
after reading all news report ... i suddenly realise how similar the viticm s plight is to singaporean. no matter what the government impose on us, we will say we deserve it or let it be .... this is a reflection of singaporean????
we understand the victim's family won't press charges.
but then, in our nanny culture that imposes upon its citizens moral values (when nobody asked), why wouldn't authorities take this into their own hands?
like typical singapore authority mentality on everything else, wouldn't this lead to more happy slapping on people who "deserved it" since no action is taken?
in singapore, assault/abuse is illegal. a video taken of a girl beaten up and abused should already be taken as evidence, and the antagonists arrested. there shouldn't even be a need for a bloody report.
I only see assault & Outrage of modesty. Rules of engagement? Bah.. Dun tell me Police can only arrest someone when they happen to see the person commit the crime? based on video cannot ? Wah piang eh ...
maybe HDB should consider putting CCTVs at their staircases
i guess she has been psychologically traumatised and I hope she picks up.
The fact that those girls arent repentant is gross, and something needs to be done.
What is the police waiting for? What if it was their daughter? Geez!
singapore is sick!
look at how cindy's father and sister react.
i don't understand how can they allow this matter to rest?
imagine if it's a girl who got raped because she dressed sexily. so does she deserve to be raped, just because she dressed sexily?
if she is too traumatised to report the case to the police, does this mean that the rapist gets away scot-free? which means that more innocent girls will be raped?
is this how our younger generation is going to be educated?
so what if the assailants are from single parent family? does that give them the right to behave in this way?
what makes them think that they can be the law and carry out punishments on whoever they think is wrong?
other than assault and molestation, they are also threatening and intimidating the victim's mum and grandmother.
what the fuck is this? the issue here is not how the legal system works, but when something seriously wrong is brought to light, like in this case, assaulting, molesting and threatening, shouldn't the relevant authorities pursue it?
hesides, there is absolute prove that the bashing did take place, i seriously don't understand how can the parents and police not do anything about it. just because for the said future of the attackers, we have to compromise the futures of so many others (current and future generations).
it is obvious that there is foulplay involved. the attackers must have threaten cindy to drop the issue, or else she would have to face the consequences.
after this incident, will the attackers really repent and be nice to cindy? i don't think so.
we should start a petition or something! really nabeh!!!
The three girls will become worse. Even if they become friend with cindy they make goad her into attacking a new girl. this is how street gangs aka gangsters recuirt people lah
Look at the bright side people!
This incident actually tells us something very important.
Next time when you robbed, beat or even killed someone, you have to make sure the victim(s) or the family do not make a police report. You will be free and safe. Even if there is a video evidence.
Thanks, $ingapore, especially the SPF, for making this possible.
if i had parents like that...
Speaking of mentality, probably one of the reasons why the girl and her father wouldn't want to make a report, besides being threatened by those bitches, is the mentality of some, if not many, people themselves. It's probably not unlikely that the girl would actually be the laughing stock of narrow-minded people, or at 'best', at least gets weird looks and finger-pointings from people. One one hand, there's this matter of principle and justice, and on the other, her future education, career, family life, etc.
If the girl and her family makes the report, which they should, the girl should not be made to suffer any further than what she's been through. The girl (along with the state of our social well-being), needs our full support.
With that said, I wonder if sufficient anonymity is possible for her throughout the process...
we've made the report already, it's in today's new paper.
...and I thought bus uncle was such an asshole... knn, this one lagi worse~
Sigh. Some people still cannot differentiate between criminal case and civil case. But what to do? Not everyone is a lawyer, right? (And nope, neither am I). And bravo to Anonymous who made a report. You are definately better than those NATO commentators. So what was the response? I did not have the time to read today's paper. For the record, I do not condone the shenanigan of the hooligans. It's just that I feel that this is rightfully a private affair.
BTW: If you read TNP report and view the video again, do notice that all except one of the girls are barefooted. And the kicks they deliver are with the sole of their foot. Strange right? If you really want to extert maximum damage, would you not at least wear shoes (knowing that you are going to a fight) and kick with the in step of your feet? Much like kicking of a football?
I watched the video .. it's so digusting!I wonder how come some Singapore girls can be so heartless to do such a barbaric act???
If in any case that the Plaintiff do not wan to sue the Accused for medical expenses, damages for pain and sufferings...it is still ok.
But the state public prosecutor will still have to prosecute the Accused for causing hurt, hence breaking the criminal law. Don;t know why in this incident...no one prosecutes the attackers, beinging justice to the state
I think it all boils down to the way gers r punished... they r gettin bolder as they do not get much punishment... surely there shd b a suitable coporal punishment equalling to caning for the males?
f**king noobs.nah beh i hope dey see wad im writin now.LODGE A FREAKIN REPORT MAN WHOEVER tt ger is!! i dun even dare to turn on da volume when watchin it.=.= its retarded man.y teenagers in sg so hum?y y y y y y?
Those criminals beat this child mercilessly. They repeatedly kicked her and most likely caused her some sort of damage to her head/brain/face/nose/teeth. They treated her worse than an animal. All the while they were laughing. How evil… That child is someone’s baby, someone that they had poured their heart and soul into raising them up from a newborn.
What they did makes me sick. Justice needs to be served here. If I was that child’s father or mother I’d pursue this matter to the furthest extent of the law and not rest until it is seen through.
listen sharply when the video play at time 1.15min , the camera girl is saying a hp no.
it was 98989853?correct?
isnt striping a gal and taking photo of her illegal by itself? Doesnt that warrant an arrest?
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