Where forth art thou?: MLM and Relationships

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

MLM and Relationships

This is a continuation of my personal experience with MLM. Just want to touch on how MLM actually affects your relationship with friends/relatives/people you have approached.

If you do not have any experience in sales, I do not recommend that you join MLM. It is perhaps one of the fastest ways for you to lose your friends - Don't take it from me - Ask anyone who knows people doing MLM. From personal experience, I know that you are unlikely to know how to react when your upline tries to persuade your friends/relatives etc to buy the >$1k products. Your upline doesn't know those people personally and will most likely try to close the deal even when faced with repeated rejections. No matter if the sale is made or not, your relationship with the friend/relative/acquaintance will predictably be soured.

I guess to succeed in anything, you need to stick with the right people. Most of the people I know in the MLM line have, let's just say, their own personal agenda and are too busy meeting their sales quota to care about how your relationships are affected as a result of your involvement in MLM activities. If you are someone who treasures your network and relationships, consider carefully before joining any MLM company.


Felicia - 我是超可爱的企鸸! said...

So are those in the insurance lines... They get on my nerves!!

Anonymous said...

well... i believe that in order to earn real cash, u will need the ablility to network. if you do not cherish this, it will be really hard to make it big. know the right people and lick their boots... thats the way to go...

blog posts said...

To anonymous, I have been a Entreprenuer for the past 6 years. And frankly, I don't believe in the idea of "lick their boots". Never did and Never will!!! It it correct that in any kind of business, the ability to network is essential but I don't believe the nature of this article is denying that. If you read it properly without bias, it is merely stating the basis of a relationship formed and nurtured, in this case, a business relationship formed and nurtured with true sincerity and from the heart is the way to succeed, rather than "having their own agenda and are too busy meeting their sales quota to care about how your relationships are affected as a result of your involvement in MLM activities." This is mentioned very clearly in the last paragraph. In the second paragraph, it gives a more descriptive view on how the mechanics of the MLM relationship works. And I do know the right people (or clients) and avoid the wrong people (or clients). The wrong people may not necessary MLM agents/members, but from irresponsible clients who refuses to pay. And I have never lick anyone's boots, ever! Yet, I am earning real cash. Think about it.