Where forth art thou?: More on the Clementi MRT case

Friday, September 15, 2006

More on the Clementi MRT case

Read this first...

I was told that according to Lianhe Wanbao, the guy had two degrees/double major (not too sure) and they were both PR professionals. I can't believe that a guy who has been so highly educated can do such a thing. Surely the thought of going to jail and having to rely on the success of the yellow ribbon project would have crossed his mind?

And now, it seems very likely that the punishment for him would be much higher with so much publicity. I really wonder who goes through the mind of a person when they do such unthinkable acts.

Anyway I was reading some first-hand accounts and can see that a lot of those people were in shock. Many thought that the woman didn't make it. Seeing her wallet and card on the tracks without any sight of her made things worse.

Sighs... Welcome to Singapore, IMF and World Bank Delegates...

Read more here...


Details: said...

Perhaps that guy really lost it for whatsoever reason and he is really stupid and reckless to do such an act.

Anonymous said...

Your post mention that the man who pushed his ex girlfriend was malay but in the Straits Times a Chinese guy was to be charged.

xialanxue said...

I meant malaysian.