The local forums are abuzz with complaints from singaporeans living in various different parts of the island about the sudden disruption to the RTM1 channel. For those who have no clue about what is going on, Mediacorp is only screening 4 of the 64 world cup matches due to an agreement with local cable tv provider Starhub who has bought the rights to screen all matches. In contrast, Malaysian TV is screening over 40 matches (live and delayed) and Singaporeans, who did not want to pay starhub to view the worldcup matches which were broadcasted on mediacorp's network in previous world cup seasons, were expected to tune in to RTM1 for the free soccer matches.
However, to the shock and dismay of soccer fans around singapore, the reception to RTM1 has been disrupted just as the FIFA world cup draws near. There is currently speculations on the forums that Starhub is behind this outrage. Forum users have commented that the signal from RTM1 used to be very clear but now, it has become blur and distorted.
I turned to RTM1 to take a look for myself and it is true: The channel can hardly be viewed. Starhub displayed a message saying "Please do not adjust your television set. Signal quality is inherent in the programme feed received by starhub. We apologize for the inconvenience caused". From the reactions of the various high traffic forums in Singapore, it is evident that singaporeans are extremely upset. Some have called for a boycott of Starhub services from cable tv services extending to their maxonline services.
The following is a video showing the extent of the disruption. Please do not adjust your monitor screens.
Technorati: World Cup, Starhub, Monopoly, FIFA, Mediacorp, RTM1, Singapore
crazy lar this one how can they do it?
What astonish me is the antenna feed over the roof top is perfectly fine. Gosh, I was able to receive with clear reception. Can’t they simply switch over to antenna at their source distributor? Once every 4 years for worldcup, they sure know how to make $. It disgusted many fellow Singaporeans if the intend was to block to gain market share. Lets see how it goes on Friday.
shouldnt there be a law so that starhub cannot do this kind of thing?
Bad signal quality from source NOT LIKELY because from the pics and responses from online forums, only some areas are affected. If the source is the problem, ALL areas will be affected.
Starhub should have a central location where they receive the signal from source and then distribute to whole S'pore. So, some problems have "occured" in the distribution channel in parts of S'pore and they are "trying their best" to fix the problem ; )
the text msg on the screem is saying they are not responsible for it i.e. they didn't do it. So unless there is evidence they did the jamming, otherwise really no case man.
This is UTTERLY DISGUSTING! What kinda rights does starhub have to block the reception of Malaysia channels? BOYCOTT BOYCOTT BOYCOTT!!!
Instead of giving in to starcorrupt bidding , why not we use those money to buy portable antenna instead?
There is a simple bypass, just use an aerial antenna instead of plugging it into the wall or starhub cable box.
Remember those "extra-strength" antennas one could buy at neighbourhood electrical shops, those work perfectly.
How come people have so much to say only when it comes to soccer?
If really thats the case, its really skanky for Starhub to do it.
I feel sorry for you all Singaporeans who do are not Starhub subscriber. I am amazed how kiasu and selfish Starhub(if they really did do it) can be to block the signal.
In Malaysia, if we do not subscribe to ASTRO (similar to Starhub in Singapore), we can still watch at least half of the 64 matches live and the rest are delayed telecast. This year, I think the official TV for FIFA World Cup in Malaysia is NTV7(private TV station) and not RTM1 (National TV). So, if you guys in Singapore can receive signal from NTV7, there is still hope to watch!
I will be watching all 64 matches live from ASTRO Interactive channels which also comes with TEAM A & Team B view cam, immediate highlights and Stadium View Cam. Cool TV and a much better way to watch World Cup!
you all anyhow accuse people without finding out the truth. reported in singapore straits times newspaper that RTM1 receive instruction from FIFA to encrypt satellite signal so RTM1 cannot be viewed outside malaysia, cos RTM1 only has rights to air world cup in malaysia. poor starhub kena slam for everything...
Starhub has already issued a statement on this. http://www.starhub.com.sg/newsroom/newsrm_item.asp?id=4051&category=Starhub%20News
halo, why would FIFA want to ask RTM to BLOCK the signal...it is because Starhub requested them to do so otherwise no income mah.
you guys are not logical. is starhub wants to do it, you think they do it so last minute and get complaints the moments right before world cup? big companies don't work like that. if starhub wants, they can announce right at the start that RTM 1 will not be showing, so that people have no choice but to sign up for world cup package. I think sometimes people need to think more and talk less.
Yes, RTM scrambled the telecast
IT’S official – Singaporeans are not entitled view to the 2006 World Cup matches telecast over RTM1 because RTM is bound by FIFA's regulation on broadcasting rights.
Utusan Malaysia reported that RTM director-general Datuk Abdul Rahman Hamid clarified that RTM's “shaky” transmission was deliberate.
It had “modified the transmission system so that neighbouring countries would not be able to view the football matches.
“The Government spent a lot to get the right to broadcast the matches for Malaysians, and if Singaporeans want to view the matches, they would have to do the same,” he said.
Abdul Rahman was commenting on a Bernama report stating that soccer fans in the republic were upset over RTM1's (StarHub Channel 39) scrambled telecast, because they could view RTM1 clearly prior to the World Cup.
This situation will prevail till the World Cup ends.
Commenting further, Abdul Rahman said the Government paid RM11.5mil to obtain the right to broadcast 47 matches live and it was illogical for Singaporeans to blame RTM for the poor transmission.
Malaysians can tune to live telecast of WorldCup over Astro Satellite TV with 8 different view panels.. this is also offered by Starhub TV.. but Singaporeans need to pay more to watch as it is pay per view channels.. but Astro is all inclusive if u hv sport packages already, no further payment..
And also RTM1, RTM2 and NTV7 are the official free TV stations for Worldcup. Free to air at Malaysia..
So Singapore Starhub is kiasu.. Mediacorp got money but why cant pay for worldcup but Malaysia can?
Haiya...U kiasau Singporeans wants everything FREE!!!!! sand,water,
airspace... go & flykitelah!!
All S'poreans are cordially invited to come over the causeway to enjoy WC for free! To make it more enjoyable and comfortable, please stay over at our premium hotels, do order the best dishes, drinks, tidbits, whatever you fancy! Its FAR CHEAPER and VALUE SAVINGS compared the same on your island!.
Come! Come!..Mali!Mali!
I stay in Seremban during the weekdays and had to relied on RTM1 and RTM2 and NTV7 for my football matches.
Let me tell you, if you try to watch any programmes (not just football matches) from channel RTM1 is difficult because the signal is very very weak.
FOr unknown reasons, RTM2 is relative easy and the signal is excellent. Same as NTV7.
The Utusan said they scramble the source and starhub ...I just don't buy it
In principle, a good happen, support the views of the author
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