Sure, we don't tolerate molestation but we won't tolerate racists too.
If you don't understand what I am talking about, maybe you should read this first (I am quite sure I am not the only blogger who agrees with Blinkymummy).
*Saying one is not a racist after posting yet ANOTHER racist entry (to add to those from 2005 and earlier) does not make it go away. Interestingly the MDA has chosen not to do anything about her irresponsible entries yet even though a lot of people are offended by her blatant racism. What are your views on this issue?
P.S. I'm too lazy to write a petition to MDA but if anyone has the time to do it, I will gladly put up the link here. Btw here's a bonus scanned article (published in Malaysia's New Straits Times) on the infamous blogger by a malaysian reporter especially for my regular readers. It was sent in to me by a popular malaysian blogger whom I promised not to name.

Perpetuating Racism in Singapore [Blinkymummy]
I just simply wonder... [Nakorius]
Decide for yourself [xlx]
Technorati tags: Racism, Xiaxue, XX, Singapore, MDA
it's the gals' fault in the first place... if u r those men who would u choose? a skimpily dressed bitch or a fully clothed lady?
I wouldn't choose XX for sure!
wow thank for the article xlx! haha that reporter was straight on! the stupid singapore reporters like jeremy au who wrote on xx are crap man.. donno hoe to write the truth.
this guy says it all with how we feel with his article.
From what she writes, it appears that XX has been molested more than a dozen times over the years... this is the first I've heard of someone getting repeatedly molested in public.. Hmm... something wrong? comments?
oh c'mon...XX already made it clear that her entry wasn't meant to be racist, but just a statement of fact of what happened at orchard, and that we can't generalize.
it's like u r trying to kick up a storm over absolutely nothing.
That desperate for publicity huh?
hope you guys din despite xx comment juz becoz she is arrogant. i am on neither side but i kinda agree with her. i am scared of being with foreign workers within arms length, they are really leacherous (ok, not to said that local guys dun, but they are at least better)my bf is a bangladeishi, but he also agree with me. they are damn molestor. i hate them
Haha XLX! I am waiting for karma to get you know who I am ;)
Coming to get you...
i know of pple who get molested on different occasions repeatedly, its simply not their fault! i think its insane to blame it on the girl.
u get robbed, and u blame urself that u never use triple locks?
in any case, i don't think Xiaxue was being racist, she was targeting those people who are molesting others.
She should condemn the behaviour, ie. molestation, and not a particular race. Either her command of the language is really bad or she is a racist
anyone can molest right?
she just showing how racist she is lor
ang mo-s also foreign workers right
if ang mo-s touch xx do u think she will call it molest>
cherub who blamed it on the ger?
u mean the first anonymous?
You are an asshole.
gilbert r u new to xx? don't u know that this is her method od operation? everytime she say something wrong then ppl say her then she act like shes the victim. i say fuck her la..
Anonymous said...
She should condemn the behaviour, ie. molestation, and not a particular race. Either her command of the language is really bad or she is a racist
Tue Jan 03, 10:10:11 PM 2006
-I say it's both.
ban aerosol spray liao no girls will get molested ah? MDA should wake that siasuay up
gan huai shi say racist thing also minimum kena community service. xx leh? xx not minor anymore leh she how old liao 20+ liao.. should go jail lor what is MDA doing?
if rockson blog until scold gahmen until so jialat also never get into trouble.. xx racist where will get into trouble one?
the 2 bloggers who went to jail r just suay.. suay they are not gers. all 3 bloggers brought to court r guys. u all got notice?
the idiotic xx supporters should just wake up man
on the flip side, they provide entertainment as we laugh at thir dumb arguments
a skimpily dressed bitch or a fully clothed lady?
Neither. It is biased to blame the girl's dressing only. When a man is horny, he doesn't choose his target.
But I have to say... girl who looks easy, have a bitchy look and dressed skimpily will be mistook as a hooker if she walks along Geylang.
A girl who shows more dignity, composed and carry herself with poised and self-respect will not be mistook as a hooker when she walks along Geylang.
If Jacelyn Tay walks along Geylang, do you think what are the chances others mistook her as a hooker? I think she will get cats calls but none will think she is a hooker.
If XX look-alike walks along Geylang, what are the chances others mistook her as a young hooker?
Molestation itself is a wrongful act, not the race that makes a difference. Any man, regardless of race, is capable of commiting such crime.
On a sidenote, I've realised lots of Asian females have these preconceived(SP?) notions that all Ang Mos' are liberal and passionate with their body language. When they are being touched by an Ang Mo, they are less likely to show any discomfort for fears they will appear as a shallow-minded country bumpkin and being too conservative which they would not want to be seen as.
Please do not quickly shoved the idea of standing up for yourself when you are not being comfortable of being touched by any man, regardless of race.
I do agree a molester will more likely to target girls who dressed scantily or girls who look too tamed and shy. But I do not agree that a girl deserves to be molested because of her skimpy dressing. No one deserves to be molested, don't we agree on that?
ps: This is not a comment targeting xx's entry as I have not read hers and won't be reading either. Just a 0.02 worth...
Oh Yes, and a Merry 2006 for all!
this time I have to stand by xx's side.
xx ald said that she didnt mean to be any racism.. it;s nothing abt what girls wear, I dress in jeans and tees every single day.
I am a 18 year old girl and I will try my best to stay away from the banglas, coz they like to stare at girls and I feel it extremely dirty and cannot stand them.
I think u should read some comments on xx's entry. then u might understand how the banglas have been harming our local girls and most of them are teenagers.
You should take a walk along Geylang Lorong 8 to 12, you will then get an idea of how some Singaporean Men stare at the women from China, then you will know some of us are not much different from SOME of the Banglas ..
Anonymous said...
Either her command of the language is really bad or she is a racist
Tue Jan 03, 10:10:11 PM 2006
Both! I really wonder either she lacks the ability to write out her thoughts as she intended or she lacks the ability to understand her own points. She can be so ridiculously contradicting herself all the time.
Hahaha....... That woman.. can tell that she is really an eye sore to many from the stir up it caused whenever anyone talks about her and I'm always amazed by her ability to be so self-assured, arrogant and confident of herself all time. I don't know which part of herself that makes her love herself so much! We see many many people who actually are tons better than her in terms of everything but we have never seen anyone of them shamelessly flaunt their achievements and talents. What she has?
It's good to have self-love but that doesn't work for everyone! If that person is a selfish and uncompassionate freak, you should advice them to be more considerate of others. If that person is a pushover, you should advice them to learn to stand up for themselves more.
For that woman.. she should really learn to show basic respect to others. hahah.... all lose.
Check out the number of supporting commentors XX has on her blog.
WHO here ISN'T a racist huh???
if you board a bus, and you see 2 empty seats, one next to a person of your own race, and the other next to a person of another race, which seat would YOU choose??
WHO here ISN'T a racist huh???
bloody hypocrites. ought to reflect. using XX as a scapegoat for your own failings.
afterall, criticizing others is much easier than criticizing oneself isn't it? heh
oh well.. i dont like xx but for someone who been "attacked" by the group in question before. how can i not support her? it happened 5 yrs ago.. and till now i still tremble when they are near me. and crowd is a big nono during festve seasons for me nowadays.
frenor wrote: " all lose. Check out the number of supporting commentors XX has on her blog."
Tsk, tsk. This isn't about who "wins" or "loses", unless it's your intention to play down something as serious as molestation and racism.
If there really have been so many cases of local girls being molested by foreign workers, then why haven't the local authorities taken any action? Wendy claims over 500 (I think); that's a significant number.
And mind you, local girls aren't the type to keep quiet when someone outrages their modesty. So why choose to rant on Wendy's blog instead of doing the most logical thing: lodge a police report?
Oh, I forgot. You only do that for something more serious--like having your blog hacked. =)
If Wendy's going to make such stupid assumptions, she better have some proper proof. Otherwise, don't blame anyone if she gets accused of making sweeping racist statements.
evn wrote:WHO here ISN'T a racist huh???:
To a certain extend, everyone is prejudiced, either because of personal experiences or because we're influenced by what others say. In any case, you can feel uncomfortable with a certain race, but that doesn't mean you should go public and bash them (and incite others to do so too). It's your own bias, so keep it to yourself--unless you really have solid evidence to suggest that you should do otherwise for the good of the common public; sadly, Wendy has got none.
EVH said...
WHO here ISN'T a racist huh???
if you board a bus, and you see 2 empty seats, one next to a person of your own race, and the other next to a person of another race, which seat would YOU choose??
of course my own race lor..I will stay far away from the banglas..
Frenor, u see "more supporters" on xx's blog becasue she deletes majority if not all of the comments that do not agree with her
Here on the other hand u see comments from every side
anyone read the bonus article xlx attached? it reflects how ppl actually look at xx.
come on, i've been molested too, n he was my own race. i agree that we shld condemn the act itself, but not generalize the race of ppl who commit those acts.
race should never be an issue. i feel sympathetic for her to have been molested. still, its wrong of her to stress on a specific race. i believe if she'd been molested by locals or ang mohs, a lot of girls will also 'support' her entires just becos many girls have been taken advantage of by men.
n what's this with winning or losing? this is not a game. *roll eyes*
very sian... very sian...
How come you guys can be so surprised by her immature thoughts and narrowed views ALL the time?
Shouldn't you guys have already accepted she is just an arrogant, shallow, self-centered, hypocritical, superficial and materialistic bitch?
Talking about what she writes and commenting about her is like watching one movie the Nth time. The storyline is the same all the time. Nothing new, nothing exciting because what she writes is repetitive.
What else is she capable of writing when she keeps living in her own small well, not receptive to criticism, never grow up mentally, spritually and emotionally? Not to say she has lack of the physical growth as well.
If you see only the building in front of you, you will only know what's happening in front of you. She has been stagnant for so many years, keep standing at the same spot to view the same building, and keeps telling what she sees in front of her.. the building that doesn't move. She is too self centered to move to different angle for a clearer view and she is too arrogant to accept views from other angles. Years down the road, she is still looking at the same building from the same spot and still insist that her spot is the best when she has never been to others. Anyone with a little wisdom of life would know her attitude is depriving her from the true pleasures of life, do you want to stick there with her?
People who is too set of their own ways and practices are unable to grow and won't grow. She get hits and traffics, but how many of them actually stays in the site to read words by words? I really wonder how many of them actually stay more than 1min including the extra time needed for downloading her truck loads of pics to tolerate her vanity.
Her readers come and go. New readers will get interested in her views but soon they will grow tired and move on to the next. While she is still standing where she has always been, looking at the same building at the same angle. Would you want yourself to be like her after another 4 years?
Why get upset over a selfish egoistic uncompassionate and shallow person like her?
Oh.. she sure is a racist or either she really can't write well.
She stressed on she is angry because she is molested by Blangas and not she is being molested.
Which of the following statements contains racism?
1. I'm being molested!!
2. A Blanga molested me!!!!!
A non racist will use statement 1. She is angry by the ACT and not by who did it.
But a racist who thinks Blanga is of an inferior race will immediately highlight the RACE before the ACT. Because she thinks she is of a race better than the Blanga and felt insulted because her modesty is outraged by a more inferior race.
See the difference? Read her posts again, is she angry by the ACT itself or she is more angry when the act is done by a Blanga?
how come you keep stressing that XX has no solid proof? Are the dozens of personal testimonials of girls who have been molested in Orchard this past festive season not enough?
U mean you need something more than testimonials? So next time the girls should wait for the bangla to touch their breasts and then take picture with digital cam at the exact instance right?
And what's the freakin point of a police report if the bangla runs away into the crowd after that and they all look the same? you want to spend New Year's eve in a police post?
Use your brain pls...
really, you've been leaving idiotic comments everywhere.
*rolls eyes*
sueling: Nope. The people who come here are mostly XX-haters because this IS a XX hate-site remember?
ohmygod wrote: "how come you keep stressing that XX has no solid proof? Are the dozens of personal testimonials of girls who have been molested in Orchard this past festive season not enough?"
If the testimonials are relased by the police, then I'll believe. But since they're comments from people with monikers for names, and comments that can't be substantiated (not to mention posted on a site that is moderated by a 21-year-old kid), I'll take it with a pinch of salt.
As much as I sympathise with those that are true, that's still hardly what you'd call solid evidence.
As for the digital camera bit, don't be silly.
perhaps sandra shld just walk around orchard during xmas n new yrs to see for urself i'm the annoymous who mentioned being touched. i'm using annoymous not because i'm cooking some story but i just dont see the need to let you guys know any details about me other than the very fact that a lot of girls did get touched by the group. i was twenty when i experienced that. i got groped front and back half an hour apart. and nobody knows about it because its not something one will enjoy telling the world. if u dont respect xx thats ur own prob but stop having the shallow idea that if things aint reported on news, it aint happening
anonymous wrote: "if u dont respect xx thats ur own prob but stop having the shallow idea that if things aint reported on news, it aint happening"
If a particular group was out molesting people, you should refer this to the police (it's their job to handle these thigns, not Wendy's), and Wendy should keep her blog entry to molestation by this group, rather than this race.
I'm not trivialising things, as I believe molestation IS a criminal offence. But why make the molester's race/nationality an issue? Why make comments like these:
"For example, would you like to party with foreign workers?
*shudders* (I heard Orchard road was full of them, molesting and spraying our girls!! Grr! Why are we sharing Orchard road with them?! Another entry)
So if a group of Singaporeans studying in Australia gang rapes a local girl, would you like to see incensed Australians encouraging their fellow countrymen to lynch other Singaporeans living there? I don't think so.
simplesandra should have gone down to orchard that night.
don't make light of other people's experiences just bcos of your own ignorance.
ic, the 'you weren't there' excuse now, huh?
Was everyone in Orchard Rd molested?
Was every molester Bangla?
Were the Banglas the only ones causing trouble?
Are most Banglas sexual predators?
If the answer is no then XX should just shuddup.
Good to see you posting again XLX :)
to Anon 11:24,
I thought XX made it very clear that we shouldn't generalize all FWs?
anon 12:28 u must have been to her blog too late. maybe u should check out nakorius's blog to find out what yr fav xx did.
Let us analyse the situation carefully and identify the truth. Some of the victims were blinded when the were molested. Fact. They would have no knowledge of who molested them while they were blinded. Fact. They regain sight and happened to see FWs in front of them. Fact. Thus the conclusion is that FWs molested them. Fact. What we cannot see cannot be used as a basis for making a judgment. While some of the cases may have been done by foreigners, there is no doubt that locals are also taking the opportunity to have some fun since they are less likely to be blamed.
As someone mentioned, on a bus would you rather sit with someone of your race or of a different race. Applying it to the alleged molesters, if I see a Singaporean VS a FW, one would be led to think that surely my fellow country mate would not commit such act, thus is must have been the FW.
The fact is the area was crowded. No one could have been certain who did what. No one could have been certain of accusing a certain group of people and make them easy targets. To do so shows how shallow the person is.
Just remember the pledge ... We, the citizens of Singapore, pledge ourselves as one united people,
regardless of race, language or religion, to build a democratic society based on justice and equality so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress for our nation.
REGARDLESS OF RACE, LANGUAGE OR RELIGION ... pay attention to this. Also Singapore does not celebrate Racial Harmony day just for someone who thinks she has the right to speak her mind to ruin it.
Just think about it ... is XX really doing the right thing?
The photos with the banglas or the bangaras (as I have seen it written) were actually not all banglas...put let's face it that is the first prejudice. All brown people are banglas. The people in the photo were also Indians (whether Singaporean Indians or Indian Nationals, we will never know). Also, it is pretty clear that there are people with cans that were not of Indian stock so does that mean they were merely spraying the cans and not involved at all in any shenannigans? Her story of the bald beng (now termed Templar Beng)puffing his chest out and shouting at people of FW identity is also funny, but I am sure he may also have shouted at people of Indian descent who may or may not have been FW. Suffice to say, if he happened to shout at me after the generalisation of all brown people=FW therefore guilty of molestation, then his face would be in pieces on the floor. We are all prejudiced, some are racist. We have to acknowledge and accept that before we address the problems. The roots are deep for this problem, older generations not 'trusting' other races, younger generations not trusting other races, educational quota systems that apparently do not exist. The racial polarisation through language promotion that was so strongly pursued in the 80s-90s. I'm Indian, so all the multiculturalism that was piped into us from young, was shattered when my instructors called me derogratory racist names while kicking sand in my face during my army training days. Was shattered when told by the chinese girl i was dating that it would not go any further because her parents did not like Indians (she seemed to have no racist/prejudice problem in shagging me though). A measure of how accepting we are will be the ease at which to get into a relationship with someone of a different race, unfortunately, this is tied to money since I know a lot of girls who seem to have no problem in racial mixing when faced with john doe with his wavy blonde hair, bonnie blue eyes and expat wallet package. The aspect of racism in Singapore is a dangerous one and I believe this may get much worse before it gets better.
where did this article appear?? not on our dearest ST, i dare say..
No one interested in teaching the girls how to defend and help themselves when they are molested but all are dying to proof that XX is a racist or a non-racist?
Anonymous said...
sueling: Nope. The people who come here are mostly XX-haters because this IS a XX hate-site remember?
Wed Jan 04, 07:19:59 PM 2006
You read her fans comments there and anti-xx comments here. BTW, this blog doesn't filter her fans comments while that blog filter anti-xx comments. Well.... you get the picture? *wink* *wink*
its funny how she never gets in trouble with the law despite all the controversy she's kicked up regarding race issues. Why?
it is troubling how much trouble anyone can stir up just by reading/hearing crap. The pen (or keyboard in this case?) is mightiert than the sword no? How do you think all these riots started? I was in KL couple years ago when a small riot among 2 races started in Subang/Sunway area. I heard like 10 different reasons why there was a riot. The food stalls actually closed down while we were eating. Imagine how scared i was, having to flee a place because of rumours that people where coming that way to riot. How abt Cronulla Beach? Rumours spreding through sms.RUMOURS. I wont be the least surprised if a FW gets bashed up the next time there's an outdoor party.
Obviously that donkey doesnt know the meaning of the word FACT. What can you expect from an airhead?
thegreysheep wrote: i don't think she'll ever want a guy that has avg income-regardless of how nice he is..etc
There are guys who are nice and rich too. Even if the guys who go for her happened to be rich and nice, perhaps in her eyes, she only see how rich he is and forget how great a personality he has. She won't appreciate him fully.
Similary, there are plenty of guys who will just want a girl for sex and attracted to her looks only. There are girls with nice sex appeal, good looks and great personality but in the eyes of those jerks, they are attracted to the physical appeal and neglected how nice the girl is.
So bitches should stick to jerks. Jerks should stick to bitches. Leave the nice ones alone to find other nice ones. Then the world will be merrier. ha
err? thegreysheep removed your comment? I'm like talking to myself now? haha..
Why is there a link to other website with every posts that are not under anonymous or blogger accounts?
xlx's Advertising ah?
a lot of girls were molested by FWs this past festive season!
why can't any of you accept this??!
Look past your hatred for XX and see the truth for what it is!
Singaporeans ah....
its funny how she never gets in trouble with the law despite all the controversy she's kicked up regarding race issues. Why?
Thu Jan 05, 11:49:05 AM 2006
Her writing feels more like she is suffering from PMS more than once a month. Perhaps that is why the authorities don't take her seriously.
actually if we take a closer look, we can find a lot of (subtle) racial discrimination in sg...
so there really isn't a need to be so critical over her comments..
besides, i don't think the main bulk of banglas read xx or xlx's blog (so what they don't know won't hurt them)...
even if they do, they will feel happy that a lot of us are standing up for them...:P
but i have to agree that xx is rather materialistic...
i don't think she'll ever want a guy that has avg income-regardless of how nice he is..etc
hmm.. maybe next time any molester just need to stand besides a blanga and act innocent can get scot free because many thinks that only blanga will molest.
merrier world wrote: "So bitches should stick to jerks. Jerks should stick to bitches. Leave the nice ones alone to find other nice ones. Then the world will be merrier. ha "
Amen to that. =)
Can we have a poll?
Choose one only okay?
1. She is a racist
2. She can't write well
I'm interested to know which you will choose. No answer such as "Both" and "Don't Know" please. We all have to make a choice in life regardless how unfair or how bad the choices available are. ha
simplesandra said...
merrier world wrote: "So bitches should stick to jerks. Jerks should stick to bitches. Leave the nice ones alone to find other nice ones. Then the world will be merrier. ha "
Amen to that. =)
Thu Jan 05, 01:01:50 PM 2006
damn i say... we should all deport them blackies back to their hometown so that there will be no one to help build singapore's buildings for such low wages.
dont blame XX for she is just living her little well, where life is perfect. wait till she goes to other countries where the chinese arent treated with much repect. maybe then she will understand the meaning of racism.
I think xx simply has not enough brains to know wat will happen to spore w/o FWs...if they leave, i believe slobs/pp who just want to sit around n do nothing n get invited to the "best parties" like her will end up building the next MRT line..i posted it in her blog also but guess she deleted it..haha..
I also find it hard to believe that she will get molested....ekk..even after all the photoshop, i dun even find her a tad attractive..MAYBE the FW truly accidentally touch her or she is oversensitive?..i dunno...i find it hard to believe...
I also support simplesandra,xlx...there are some jerks who are forever supporting xx...go get a life kids! Go study for ur exams now..haha...
not in a mood to write objectively here..just letting my tots fly...
Singapore is what i would call a 'devoutly racist' country - where the status quo is accepted as the norm despite it being fraught with deficiencies.
Everyone is a racist, including those who are victims of it. If a person can switch on the telly and not see anything amiss when 'other' races are not represented/misrepresented or accorded peripheral roles, if one goes to SMU and does not see anything amiss when all the pictures on the outside glass walls are chinese, if one does not see anything amiss when people are forbidden to study 'another' language because their biological ancestors did not speak it, if SAP school systems for the chinese were not complemented by SAP school systems for, amongst others, the indians and malays, if one does not wonder why the malays and indians whom were far more vibrant and progressive in the 70s are not so now, etc, etc, etc, then one is a racist, albeit unwittingly.
I would not be too quick to judge people as racists. A critique of culture is not a racist thing if it seeks to weed out those aspects of a culture that serves to underdevelop people.
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